PO Box 948, Clayton, CA 94517
T: 925.778.1165 | F: 925.778.1163 | E: TriValleyEPC@gmail.com
Tri-Valley Estate Planning Council
October 3, 2024 6pm to 8pm
“Digital Assets After Death”
Presented by:
Jaime B. Herren, Principal
Hartog, Baer, Zabronsky, APC
Robert Barton, Partner
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Locanda Ravello
172 E Prospect Ave, Danville, CA 94526
Registration Open & Networking
Dinner & Announcements
7:00pm- Speaker Program
8:00pm- Event Concludes
EPC Members - $95
Guests - $115
Doug Housman, Esq.
Law Offices of Cain, Cain & Housman
(925) 932-0893
Presentation Summary:
Internet-based accounts and applications have grown at an extraordinary rate, with the number of user accounts exceeding billions. Email and paperless online banking are now routine and commonplace, and there are numerous other internet-based communications, accounts, and assets, in part due to the proliferation of social media. Moreover, since the blockchain network came into existence in 2008, thousands of new digital assets, technologies, and cryptocurrencies have emerged. As developers create new digital technologies and properties daily, fiduciaries and their counsel face a steep challenge to keep up.
The nature of digital asset classes is changing. Many assets are held entirely online—with no physical indication of the asset’s existence. As trusted advisors, trust and estates attorneys along with fiduciaries need to be familiar with the array of digital assets develop skills to recognize them, and be equipped to use the underlying technology to access them. Because identifying and marshaling digital assets is not what it used to be, practitioners should take conscious steps to update procedures to account for the new era of digital assets.
This program provides an overview of popular digital assets and the basics of the technology underlying these assets. The program also discusses considerations for estate planners encountering digital asset and for fiduciaries marshaling and administering digital assets.
Learning Objectives:
Demystifying digital asset that are now commonplace.
Best practices in Estate Planning so that digital assets are not overlooked.
Tips for fiduciaries marshaling digital assets and administering trust and estates with digital assets.
Mark Piccolotti
(510) 714-0302
The Tri-Valley Estate Planning Council is a multi-disciplinary group of estate planning and related professionals focused on delivering exceptional services to clients by providing and strengthening:
Cutting-edge continuing education to develop best practices in estate planning, wealth preservation and legacy; Communication and collaboration with peers across disciplines; A reliable network of referral sources with experienced, like-minded professionals.
Tri-Valley Estate Planning Council | TVEPC.org
TEL: (925) 778-1165 • FAX: (925) 778-1163 • EMAIL: TriValleyEPC@gmail.com P.O. Box 948 Clayton, CA 94517